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Teen Ballet Dancer

poems et cetera

w/ gratitude


  • "Run the Numbers," cnf. The Palisades Review, Founding Editor Mea Cohen, 31 Jan. 2023.

  • "To Win the Game," Peatsmoke Journal, Fiction Ed. Wendy Elizabeth Wallace, Spring 2023.

  • "Passageway," "Hands are Not Poetry in Motion," "Wishful," "excuse me, but if you could." UCity Review, EIC Andrew Cox, June 2023.

PRINT - poems

  • "Fails to Understand Requirements," Practicing Anthropology, Winter Issue. Ed. Lisa Jane Hardy. Dec. 2022.

  • "Our Relationship Traveling Backwards in Time." Issue 7, Nov. 2022.​ Cerasus Magazine. Associate Editor John Wilks.

  • "eclipse" & "to the white woman in line at the grocery store," finalists for 2022 Founders' Prize, RHINO Poetry, Oct. 2022.

  • "Two Weeks’ Notice," Pilgrimage Press, EIC Juan Morales, June 2022.

  • "Built in Protection," "The Unlucky Wife," "Even If I'm not the Golden Child." The McNeese Review, April 2022. EIC Jack Vanchiere. 


"Of Wetlands."No Tokens. EIC T Kira Māhealani Madden; NF Eds. Danielle Batalion Ola & Hannah Mulligan, Dec. 1, 2022.

flash fiction

  • "For Richer," Wigleaf. EIC Scott Garson, Feb. 12, 2023.

  • "Captivity," Roi Fainéant. EIC François Bereaud & Margot Stillings, Jan 8, 2023.

  • "Little Deaths in the Kitchen," The Ilanot Review. Fiction Editors Nadia Jacobson & Mitch Ginsburg, and Guest Editor, Gary Fincke. Fall 2022. 

  • Nominated Best Small Fictions 2023

  • Winner Smokelong Quarter Summer Workshop Pop Quiz June 2022

flash fiction

"Mother Warns Us of Men," SmokeLong Quarterly, Sept. 2022. Ed. Christopher Allen. Micro Winner Competition.


"Because the Netting Protects," Eclectica Magazine. July 2022, Poetry Ed. Evan Martin Richards.


"what's not visible," Red Ogre Review, EIC Matthew Bullen. July 2022.

flash fiction

  • "Foreign Objects," The Hennepin Review, June 2022, EIC Halil Isler. 

  • Nominated Best of the Net 2023

  • Nominated Pushcart Prize 2023

flash fiction

"Maximum Allowance." No Contact Mag, May 2022, EICs Gauraa & Elliot. 

  • Honorable Mention CRAFT Creative Non-Fiction Award 2021

flash fiction

"More Than an Acquired Taste." Flash Frog. May 2022, EIC Eric Scot Tryon.

  • finalist in The Blue Frog Flash Fiction Prize

  • Nominated Pushcart Prize 2023

flash fiction

"Because Isamu means 'Courage.'" Red Fez. April 2022. EIC Doc Sigerson.


"Blue Space." Porter House Review, Jan. 2022. Nonfiction Ed. SG Huerta; Ex Eds. Doug Dorst & Tom Grimes. 


"When Authorities say “Be Aware of Your Surroundings,” SWWIM Every Day, August 2021. Eds. Jen Karetnick, Catherine Esposito Prescott, Caridad Moro-Gronlier & Alexandra Lytton Regalado

  • Nominated Best of the Net 2023


Selected Pieces

  • "53 Minutes: Cliff's Beach, Oahu, Hawai`i." Scrawl Place. Nov. 2021, EIC Andy Brown.

  • "Thursday Night at Lucky's Liquor Store," Winner Fractured Lit. Flash Fiction Anthology 2021, EIC Tommy Dean. Judge Kathy Fisher.

  • ​​"Here there are no water Buffalo," Wigleaf Long List 2022. Flash Boulevard. Aug. 2021. Ed. Francine Witte.

  • "We, Too, Landed on Mars." Special Feature: Teaching During the Pandemic. Olney Magazine, May 2021. EIC Brandon Noel. Nominated Best of the Net 2021.

  • "For the Record." Agapanthus Collective Biannual Publication. Feb. 2021, EIC Junpei Tarashi. Nominated for Best of the Net 2021.

  • "Arrhythmia."MORIA Literary Magazine. Nov. 2020, Gavin Arechiga, Social Media and Demographics Editor. Winner Best Microfiction 2021. Judge Amber Sparks. 

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