Am Busy Adulting

Follow me on Instagram @AmBusyAdulting
Coaching Services
Financial Literacy
National Board
and anything you thought was too late to learn!!!
Follow my journey of hitting all my dreams on Instagram!
🌼 As a 50+ later bloomer, I'm debunking the idea that choosing a career in education doesn't have to mean poor financial health.
🌼 Join me on my journey toward
financial literacy
publishing goals
learning from my mistakes
and balancing time for friends and family.
🌼 I truly believe it's never too late.
P.S. Check out my latest tips, products, and more at https://beacons.ai/ambusyadulting
1:1 Coaching Creative Writing
If you're interested in all things creative writing, I am available for one-on-one help.
Public School Teachers
Women over 50
1:1 Coaching National Board Certified Teaching
With all the hype about PASSIVE INCOME or SIDE HUSTLES, this is truly one worth investing your time.
Thrilled to sit down and "talk story" with you about the National Board Teacher Certification process - free
Want my Teacher Voice? Leave with a plan, & next steps - $25
Want extra eyes on your packet and video - $150
Worried about going through the Maintenance Certificate process? Happy to "talk story" for a small donation.
Want my Teacher Voice? Leave with a plan, next steps - $75
Want an objective set of eyes on your Maintenance packet & video - $250
Deadline to register for sy 22-23 is fast approaching: Feb. 29, 2024!
$25 Reader & Feedback Pack
Choose from
feedback on packet of 5 poems
or 2-3 flash fiction pieces, max. 1500 words
or creative non-fiction essay, max. 1500 words